Activities that can be done in Tourist Places & 10 Most Famous Tourist Attractions Around the World

Teacher: Christian Avila R. Theme: Activities that can be done in Tourist Attractions. Dear student, please read the information below, then follow the given instructions to complete the exercise related to the topic. Hi there! Let´s learn about some of the top 6 indoor and outdoor activities to do in Costa Rica: Costa Rica with its vast environmental diversity offers something incredible for everyone to experience. There are plenty of options to enjoy and so much to explore. There are lush green jungles and forests and hidden beaches that are perfect for enjoying a lot of outdoor and indoor activities. On this list you will find a good mix of adventure, culture, and adrenaline experienced in each of the activities: Zip lining: In Costa Rica, more than a quarter of the area is covered in rain forests and Zip-lining is one of the best outdoor activities to enjoy discovering the enchanting ecosystems of this country. This popular activity ...